Struggling with Weight Loss After Surgery? Let's Talk About Motivation
Patients must prioritize a variety of factors following surgery, including weight loss. It might be disappointing to suddenly see no changes on the scale or perhaps higher numbers on the scale at your follow-up visits. Remember that plateauing a few months following surgery is quite typical. However, after consistently losing weight, it can feel like the end of the world. You may begin to feel stressed and ashamed because you believe you are doing something wrong.
No, your body is merely readjusting to your new set point.
However, it's important to remember that losing weight shouldn't be all about the numbers on the scale. This is a "get healthy journey," not a race to your ideal weight. Your weight will inevitably drop as you focus more and more on your health.
So, how do you keep yourself motivated during this process? Let's take a deeper look at some of the advice I give to my clients.
A fun and visual way to track measurable change after surgery is to measure your waist with yarn monthly and hang it up on the wall.
You will see a change in your waist size over a series of months as the yarn measures shorter each time. It displays your progress visually and might serve as enough motivation to keep clients off the scale for a while.
Another tip is to create a non-scale victory jar.
This is a jar where you can place colorful post-its with small accomplishments or positive affirmations whenever you achieve a non-scale win. These can include things like taking a longer walk without feeling winded, being able to finally cross your legs, or feeling more confident in your clothes. If at any time you're feeling down during your weight loss journey, just drop your hand in and pick out a post-it to perk you up and help you get back on the positive path.
It's also critical to develop an exercise routine that you actually enjoy.
Physical activity is essential for losing weight, but if you're not having fun, it's easy to burn out and give up altogether. Experiment with various kinds of activities, such as dancing classes or yoga, to find something that seems less like a duty and more like an experience. Take this opportunity to find an activity that your family can enjoy with you. Think about it: you'll be getting your activity in for the day while getting some quality time with friends and family. Schedule a family walk after dinner, have a morning or nightly dance party with the kids, play hide and seek, go skating, biking, or swimming. This is something that everyone can get excited about. And we all know that when kids get excited about something, they don't let you off the hook very easily. They'll even gladly hold you accountable.
Schedule a date once every two weeks to check in with yourself.
This will help you stay mindful and accountable for your actions and non-actions. Not only does it help you stay on track toward your goal, but it also helps you identify problem areas in your diet or daily habits. The sooner you can learn about any problem areas, the easier it'll be to correct and overcome them.
Lastly, it's important to surround yourself with a positive support system.
This can be a group of friends, family, or a community group. Having others around who share similar goals can keep you accountable, share tips and advice, and be there for you when you need that extra push of encouragement.
Try measuring your waist with yarn, creating a non-scale victory jar, finding a fun workout routine, doing routine check-ins with yourself, and surrounding yourself with positive support. Remember that it's not just about a number on the scale but about getting healthy first while making lasting lifestyle changes. Keep pushing towards your goals, and celebrate every victory along the way!
P.S. Don't miss out on my latest offering: The Ultimate Protein Guide, available for free!